Subscription Membership Policy


Welcome to SOCIAL JUSTICE FOR INTERNATIONAL CIVIL RIGHTS COUNCIL ! We are delighted to have you as a member of our community. This Subscription Membership Policy outlines the terms and conditions that govern your subscription to SJFICRC. By becoming a member, you agree to comply with this policy and any other policies or guidelines set forth by SJFICRC.

Membership Eligibility:
To be eligible for subscription membership with SJFICRC, individuals must meet the following criteria:

a. Age: Members must be at least 18 years old.
b. Agreement: Members must agree to abide by SJFICRC’s mission, values, and code of conduct.
c. Subscription Fee: Members are required to pay the prescribed subscription fee to maintain an active membership.

Subscription Fee:

a. Amount: The subscription fee for SJFICRC membership (Click Here)
b. Payment Method: Members must pay the subscription fee through the designated payment methods specified by SJFICRC.
c. Renewal: Membership is renewable on a Annual basis. Members will receive renewal reminders in advance.

Membership Benefits:

a. Access: Members will have access to SJFICRC events, programs, and resources.
b. Updates: Members will receive regular updates on SJFICRC activities, achievements, and impact.
c. Priority Participation: Members may have priority participation in specific events or programs organized by SJFICRC.

Code of Conduct:

a. Respect: Members must treat fellow members, staff, and partners with respect and courtesy.
b. Compliance: Members must comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
c. Confidentiality: Members must respect the confidentiality of sensitive information shared by SJFICRC.

Termination of Membership:

a. Non-Payment: Failure to pay the subscription fee within 30 days of the due date may result in the suspension or termination of membership.
b. Violation of Policies: SJFICRC reserves the right to terminate the membership of any individual who violates this policy or other relevant policies.

Grievance Procedure:

a. SJFICRC will establish a grievance procedure to address concerns or disputes raised by members.
b. Members are encouraged to contact [HEAD OFFICE] at SJFICRC@GMAIL.COM OR +91 7479044440 to report any issues or seek assistance.

Amendments to Policy:

a. SJFICRC reserves the right to amend this Subscription Membership Policy. Members will be notified of any changes, and the updated policy notification.

By becoming a member of SJFICRC, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to abide by this Subscription Membership Policy.

Thank you for your commitment to SJFICRC and our shared mission!


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